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Posted on January 16, 2015 by Industrial Plastic Systems in Uncategorized

I am excited to welcome you to our new Industrial Plastic Systems (IPS) blog & website. We are excited about using this new communications tool and hope it will increase our collaboration and interaction with our customers and the public. This is where we plan to bring you a behind-the-scenes look into the manufacturing of our FRP products. We also plan to give you updates on IPS’s activities, including the latest news on our trade show events & partners from around the world. Or, we may just share whatever is on our mind!

As leaders in the composites industry, we thought it was time we had a way to reach out to our customers. IPS, and the composites industry as a whole, are exciting places to be.

Staff from throughout IPS will be posting regularly on the blog, addressing a variety of topics. This will include past and present project, written by the very people who created the project and the engineers who designed it, in addition to the latest company and industry news.

Subscribe to the blog to receive the latest posts, and feel free to comment or contact us with any of your questions, concerns, or topics you’d like to see covered.

We hope you will comment on our posts and on the comments of others. Please be sure to read the Blog Guidelines before doing so. Comments are moderated and we will review them and get them up as quickly as possible during regular business hours.

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